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Silvia Rocha

Universidade de Aveiro
Silvia Rocha

Sílvia M. Rocha is Associated Professor with Habilitation in Biochemistry, at the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro (Portugal). She is leader of the x-Chroma Lab (University of Aveiro -, a laboratory specialized on the design of workflows, based on advanced chromatographic methodologies, for unveiling complex biological systems, namely plants, plant-based foods, microorganisms (with biotechnological interest or pathogenic), body fluids (in special, urine and breath, collected in a non-invasive way).

For the last 30 years, her research is mainly focused on the characterization of plant raw materials, agro-food by-products and foodstuffs, for the prospection of bioactive compounds, and understanding them from the analytical, technological, and sensorial point of view, toward the development of innovativeand sustainable formulations.

Sílvia M. Rocha published more that 165SCI papers (complete list of publications may be accessed here, with a H-index of 42, more than 5150 citations and with more than 400 presentations in scientific conferences around the world. She has received 22 national and international awards and distinctions.She also has a large experience in the coordination and participation in fundamental research and I& D projects, namely in collaboration with food and beverages companies. During her career, Sílvia M. Rocha also has showed large experience in Post-Doctoral, PhD and MSc students supervising, and in teaching and BSc, MSc and PhD level, namely in the fields of food biochemistry, innovation and development of new food products and bio-entrepreneurship.


